

"I will show you my pigeons! Which are the greatest treat, in my opinion, which can be offered to a human being." - Charles Darwin, 1855, writing to Charles Lyell.Source

Hello! I'm Geopigeon (she/her), and, unfortunately, I'm neither a geographer nor an ornithologist. I am an (undergraduate) archaeology student, currently (but tentatively) looking at technology and human evolution. In my spare time, I like to think about avian cognition, science fiction, and the history and philosophy of science. I also run my university's Doctor Who society. (Don't get your hopes up - I have at best entry-level knowledge of all of these things.)

I'm still figuring out what to do with this place, but right now my priority is re-learning HTML and CSS, a skill I learned when I was on old deviantArt and lost when it all went to hell. (I swear I was doing art on there - I know the site icon looks a little goofy, but I made it in three minutes with my laptop trackpad!)

While you're here, here's some music I've been into lately:

...and some books I've read lately that weren't strictly for my degree:

A transparent image of Io, a brown-and-white cat with a blue collar.

...and this is my cat, Io!